Aims and Scope
International Journal of Environment, Engineering, and Education is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality research articles on science and technology that bring together researchers, academics, and professionals from various countries and scientific fields. The results of these studies are expected to encourage and develop techniques, methods, and innovations that benefit humanity.
The scope related to this International Journal of Environment, Engineering, and Education includes but is not limited to the following:
Environment Science: Water & Wastewater, Pollution & Climate Change, Energy & Resources, Physical, Biological & Information Sciences (Including Ecology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Plant Science, Zoology, Mineralogy, Oceanography, Limnology, Soil Science, Geology and Physical Geography, Atmospheric Science), Human Relationships, Public and Environmental Health, Perceptions, Policies Towards & Solution of Environmental Problems.
Engineering Science: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Electronics, Electrical & Informatics Engineering, Materials Engineering, Architecture & Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Agriculture & Food Engineering, Traffic and Transportation, Nano-Engineering & Technology, System & Computer Engineering.
Education Science: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education, Environmental Education, Sustainability and Development Education.
All Science Journal Classification Codes (ASJC) Classification
To align with the journal’s interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature, IJEEDU is classified under the following ASJC codes:
2300 – General Environmental
2200 – General Engineering
3304 – General Education